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We Can Do Metalization For The Lamp Pole

One of our customers from Europe asked us if we could do metalization for the lamp pole.​ Yes, we can do it!



What is metalization? Let me explain it briefly.


​Metalizato is a metal surface treatment technique, aimed at protecting lamp pole from corrosion and damage by spraying a zinc layer.



This technology is implemented by a zinc spray machine, to deposit zinc at high speed in the form of particles onto the lamp pole surface, forming a uniform and highly adhesive coating.


​The Anti corrosion effect of meatlization is great: the electrochemical properties of zinc enable it to protect lamp poles from corrosion. When the zinc layer is corroded by salt solutions, insoluble compounds will be produced to cover the lamp pole surface, slowing down the invasion of corrosive media.


The following are some pictures of our lamp poles that had been metallized, for your information.


